Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Our Halloween

Halloween is no traditional holiday in Norway, but the past years it has come, influenced by US. Most of our celebrations are the shops selling costumes, special sweets, and all imaginable and unimaginable items you "simply must have".
I am no shopper, but with an 11 year old girl in the house it is difficult to say no to the "celebration". A group of her friends had a party which they had planned all by themselves, and when Marta came home we had our own family Halloween night in front of the hearth - me, Terje and our two girls.
Sweet rools, hot chocolate with whiped cream, best "china" and real silverware, a crackling fire and the reading of a H.C.Andersen fairytale.


Anonymous said...

What a lovely celebration. Happy Halloween :)

Sherry said...

I think this is a lovely way to celebrate Halloween. It's always interesting to know what happens in other countries. Happy Halloween to all of you!!

vivian said...

happy halloween! its nice to hear what others do in other countrys!! Your celebration sounds lovely!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween your celebration sounds delightful

Leslie said...

Thank you so much for explaining how Halloween "is" in Norway. It sounds delightful. Happy Halloween!

somepinkflowers said...

trick or treat
for some hot chocolate, please!


Sandra Evertson said...

Happy HallowNorwayween!
Sandra Evertson

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween to you and yours :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lovely Halloween night.

Scarlett said...

Halloween in the US has certainly got a little too wild and commercial for me.

Hope that that part of Halloween never touches your life.

Your celebration sounds as divine a ghoulish night as I would ever want to have.

Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva said...

what a lovely table...have we danced yet...hope you're having a ghoulish day...blessings, rebecca

Gill said...

Britt Arnhild, what a perfect celebration! You could teach us North Americans a few things on how to properly celebrate the holiday.

eb said...

this is so lovely Britt...

happy Norway-style

xox - eb.

Paul-ene said...

Love how you's seems simple and FUN and MEANINGFUL! Thanks for sharing!

Have a great Halloween Evening.

Junie Moon said...

What a lovely celebration--it sounds like the perfect evening to me.

Carole Burant said...

Happy Halloween to you too:-) I ran out of time to visit everyone at the Ball last night so I'm continuing to party this morning! hehe Loved reading how you celebrate Halloween in your country:-) xo