About the joy of cooking and baking in a Norwegian kitchen.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Spoiled with taco pizza
Some days you know are perfect days. Already when I woke this morning there was something in the air whispering that this is a day to dance through. The dance music has been on all day, and met its crescendo when I came home from work and could take my afternoon nap while Ingrid and her boyfriend made dinner.
The singing of a homemade taco pizza woke me, and all I had to do when the two chefs made the table, was to take my daily garden walk in the blue hour, when dusk is falling.
Now the pizza is finished, the two turtledoves are doing the dishes and preparing for afternoon coffee - for a full table (guests/family are expected). I hear them downstairs while I sit here up in my studio updating my blogs, continuing my dance.
That looks like a fabulous dish! And what a treat when the mother doesn't have to do the cooking and cleaning! The "turtledoves" look so sweet together!
I live in Trondheim, Norway with my husband and two daughters. Two boys have moved out to create their own homes. I work full time, and have alot of interests, but there is hardly a day when you don't find me in the kitchen, playing with old and new recipes. And if I am not to be find it the kitchen, take a look in The Blue Garden. I am a member of the Slow Food movement and a supporter of the Slower Life.
You can contact me at: knitwoman1958@yahoo.com
ALL Photos and Text are personal property of BRITT ARNHILD WIGUM LINDLAND. All rights reserved. Content of this site MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, in any manner without written permission.
looks absolutly Morish ;]
That looks like a fabulous dish! And what a treat when the mother doesn't have to do the cooking and cleaning! The "turtledoves" look so sweet together!
Isn't it fun to watch the youngsters. I hope the pizza tasted as good as it lookes.
Inspired - Ingrid makes the very best pizzas :-) Today it was me again to make dinner though.
Beacky - as I already said, the pizza was fabulous :-)
up - good for them to learn as much as possible about cooking and running their own home.
I think that pizza looks good. Do you have the recipe? I found you in a round about way, looking around at someone's comments I suppose.
Junebug - I must ask Ingrid if she has a recipe. I am not sure if she has one though, we often compose while we cook along :-)
That looks good!!! =)
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