About the joy of cooking and baking in a Norwegian kitchen.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Comfort food and a hearth fire.
It is autumn break. Marta and I had planned to go to our cabin on Monday and stay for a week, but the cold and wet weather is keeping us at home. Yesterday morning the sun was up and I decided to go out in the garden to do some much needed work. But not before the thought was there, the rain started again.
So what is there to do on a day like this? Make some nice food of course. The plums are tempting now, and last night I decided to make a foccaccia with plums for a comfort supper around the hearth.
Terje is busy down in the basement in the afternoons. He is renovation the room where we have our washing machine. This room is quite big, and if I am lucky there will be room for a garden corner for me, where I can start growing seeds and plants while it is still cold outside. I have dreamed of such a bench or corner for a long time, the only thing I have to do now is to decide how I want it, and Terje will make it :-). The nice smell from the kitchen went all the way down to him last night, and he was very happy to come up with us to have tea and huge pieces of the plum foccaccia.
Well, today the sun is here again.....If you come over you'll find me out in the garden.
Ah yes, a garden corner in the basement. My father had such a room as long as I can remember. He always had some plants growing, or seeds starting for the next garden. I never had the room to have such a room so in the spring, our windows had little containers of plants growing. Of course sometimes they would get knocked over and then I would have a mess to clean up. I think you are fortunate to have a room in the basement to devote to growing plants.
I live in Trondheim, Norway with my husband and two daughters. Two boys have moved out to create their own homes. I work full time, and have alot of interests, but there is hardly a day when you don't find me in the kitchen, playing with old and new recipes. And if I am not to be find it the kitchen, take a look in The Blue Garden. I am a member of the Slow Food movement and a supporter of the Slower Life.
You can contact me at: knitwoman1958@yahoo.com
ALL Photos and Text are personal property of BRITT ARNHILD WIGUM LINDLAND. All rights reserved. Content of this site MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, in any manner without written permission.
Ah yes, a garden corner in the basement. My father had such a room as long as I can remember. He always had some plants growing, or seeds starting for the next garden. I never had the room to have such a room so in the spring, our windows had little containers of plants growing. Of course sometimes they would get knocked over and then I would have a mess to clean up. I think you are fortunate to have a room in the basement to devote to growing plants.
A plum foccacia! What a delicious idea! My tante used to make plum kuchen all the time when I was little - so yummy!
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