fry diced chichen in a rich bath of virgin olive oil
add salt and pepper
fry an onion and two sweet peppers (a red and a green)
fry the rice in the olive oil left in the pan
add chicken broth and white wine
boil rice and chicken for about half an hour
add onion and sweet pepper before serving
give huge helpings
second and third helpings tells you that love is achived

We ate the paella with warm foccaccia bread right from the oven, richly sprinkeled with Mauro's Portugese Sal de Flor, and drank Terje's home made blackcurrant lemonade.
Britt-Arnhild! This is a fabulous feast! And the blackcurrant lemonade sounds enticing! Thank you for sharing this recipe. Chicken is the one meat that most of the people in my house will eat (one is nearly a vegetarian). =)
How wonderful to travel on a plate!
Paella is sold ready-cooked and hot and enticing in the supermarket here, I often pause and contemplate buying a bowl but so far I haven't tried it...
Perhaps next time...
Beachy - we eat alot of vegetarian food here as well, but some days I just have to have meat :-)
Mouse - I have never tried a ready made one. Let me know how it is if you every try.
Oh, my, yum. I am going to make this next week sometime (as soon as I eat up the huge pot of beef stew (sort of) that I made last night. I'm only one, but I love to cook huge batches so I can eat 3-4 days from one delicious dish. I'm not one who minds repeating something wonderful day after day for a time. And your table is so beautiful and romantic!
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