Last night I was invited to a church here in Trondheim to talk about celtic spirituality. The meeting started with dinner, and as celtic spirituality also can be called "green spirituality", the lady in charge of the food wanted to serve something green. This was of course a great opportunity for me to speak about my book which will be in the market in just a couple of weeks now. The Lent book with its rainbow lental calendar and menues in the different colours of the rainbow.The woman who had made the food yesterday wanted to keep her recipe a secret, but it didn't take us long to play the game "what's in the salad".
I think we figured out most of the ingredients, and of course today I had to keep on "the game" and make the salad for my family. Luckily I made a huge bowl. We were 6 around the table, and everybody asked for second and third helpings.
The recipe will be written down in the Blue Book of The Blue Café.........and yes, you guessed right. I will not share it here, at least not yet. But I take bookings for a chair around the blue table where food and reflections are shared.
It looks absolutely delicious!
Cris - it tastes just as good as| it looks :-)
this looks very yummie, safe one of those lovely plates for me...
they would do marvelous on a neutral linnen cloth background of hand painted off white hydrangeas
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