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Carrot and cabbage stew
Family life is changing here at the Blue Café. From a full table every day with four kids and an unknown number of friends who found their seats around the huge diningroom table, there are now more and more days when Terje and I have our dinner just the two of us. Both girls were away today, so again it was dinner for two. I had a day off work (to "work" with something else.......), which means I have spent most of the day in my studio with books and the computer. From my studio window, which is on the first floor, I see right out into the Blue Garden and our front porch, and I was quite amazed at noon when I finially lifted my eyes from what I was writing, to see two mooses right outside our porch. My camera was at hand, and I got some quite good photos of the "mother and child". But this blog is about food, and believe me, we don't have moose steak on the menu today, though my mother just called to let us know that she and my father will come tonight with some moose meat which they will put in our freezer :-), from my uncle, the moose hunter. Good though that I found some meat in the freezer today which Terje and I had for dinner - so now there is room enough for what my parents bring.
What I am blogging about today though is not the meat but the carrot and cabbage stew sidedish. We have a hug bag of carrots bought directly from the farmer, and I love to find different ways to use the carrots. When making the stew I peel and cut the carrots and cook them for a few minutes in salted water. While waiting for them to finish I make the white sauce, melting butter, adding flour and then water from the carrots, and at last salt, pepper, mustard and capers. And today also green cabbage (from the freezer, originally grown by an old gardener friend of my parents)
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