In our livingroom I have an old table. I have had some empty baskets there for a few weeks, but now it is filled with masks from Venica. And my Lent book is there. As Lent unfolds the decorations on the table will change, and the pages will be turned in the book. The pages shown today are about "fastelavn søndag", some lines from the Bible where Jesus tells about his coing death and his rise, photos of fastelavnsris, traditions about this day and the recipe and a photo of "fastelavnsboller". In my blogs, some days here, other days in The House in the Woods, the Blue Garden or the Blue Bookshelf, I will take you along my walk through Lent. How I celebrate, how I walk in prayers, how I slow down, how I want to live these seven weeks before Easter. I have always "collected" traditions, and would love to hear more about how you live these seven weeks, how you prepare for Easter.
Fastelavnsboller eaten on Sunday before Lent, on Fastelavn Sunday is an old tradition. These last days before Lent and fasting is for alot of food, for food extravaganza. Tuesday I have a special dinner recipe for you, today I will share with you my recipe for the rolls, or buns (I am never sure what you call this sweet pastry in English) The recipe is from my book, "40 dager - fra karneval til oppstandelse"
Fastelavnsboller150 gr butter5 dl milk or water (i prefere water)50 gr fresh yeasta little salt1 dl sugar12-13 dl white flourMelt the butter, add water and warm till lukewarm. Add salt and just a little sugar to the yeast to let the yeast melt. Add water/butter and stir well. Add the rest of the sugar and almost all of the flour. Knead this you get a smooth dough, add more flour if necessary.Let the dough rest and rise to double size.Knead, cut into 25 small pieces and make rollsBake at 230C for 10-15 minutes.
Whipe some cream, cut the sweet rools in two and add cream. Sprinkle with dusting sugar.******************************************
Do you want to have a look into my book? May be it is of interest to you even if the writing is in Norwegian.Take a look here: book can be ordered from here:
These look DELICIOUS.
The buns look yummy and your book looks like a masterpiece! I'll come back to look some more!
That looks so delicious!! Great photos.
You can say either rolls or buns. Both are correct, maybe one or the other is preferred in different regions but either one is good.
It's great to get a look inside the book!
I would distinguish the rolls as sweet rolls. But yum re: the whipped cream which I love. They look divine.
Congratulations! Your book has a very nice design, fresh, modern! I like it! It is only a pity that I don't understand your language! I'm sure it would have given some new inputs for my teaching in religion.
Have a good time, Britt-Arnhild!
To my mind everybody have to glance at this.
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