If you read Britt-Arnhild's House in the Woods, you know about our challenging weather right now. With yesterday's drive home from work in mind, I put a cookbook in my backpack this morning, with the intention of reading recipes on my way home from work, and hopefully decide what to make for dinner. Plans changed though. My husband phoned me at work to tell me that because of the road situation in our city, he had to work some extra hours. I took the bus home, and a crowded bus filled with wet people is not a good place to read recipes. And as my dear neighbour and very good friend came onto the bus the stop after mine, I didn't miss the cookbook at all.
Ok, I said to myself. I will make a late dinner. I can make a grocery list when I am home and then go shopping. Anyway the grocery store is only a few minutes from our house.Finally at home I knew that there would be NO grocery shopping. It was raining cats and dogs, it was blowing and the roads were too slippy. The only option was to make dinner from what I could find in the cupboards. Not an easy task, believe me, but after searching high and low, I ended up with some spaghetti, a lemon, half an onion, some leek and a few cherry tomatoes. After I took the photo I even found a few walnuts and I realized I had a bright green basil in the window sill. Women have made dinner on less.
25gr fresh yeast, salt, sugar, 3dl lukewarm water and some white flour even made the most wonderful foccaccia. Marta and I feasted, though she hardly had time to come in to eat, it is too much fun to play (read jump from the carport roof) out in the snow.
Marta was not too happy about the walnuts. I think they made the dish!
I cut all the vegetables and fried them in olive oil, added a little salt.
----------------------------------------Good food needs good music. While reading Vikram Seth's An Equal Music some time ago I discovered Bach's The Art of Fugue. Bach's music is among the best music ever written.
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