At our cabin we don't have electrisity and I dream of an outdoor oven where I can bake our breads. The minus with no electricity though is that we don't have a freezer, only a small room in the gas fridge where I could put a couple of breads, but would it be worth warming up a whole bread oven for just two or three breads? Well, my dream is still there, so I'll wait and see what we do with it.

I am not good at following recipes. When making our everyday bread, four pieces of big loaves and 15 small ones, I start with a mixture of differemt types of flour. I add salt, oil, 100gr fresh yeast and 1,8l of water, mix it, and then add white flour untill I have a smooth dough. I let it raise for about an hour, make the breads, let in raise some more and it is ready for baking, 240C for about 15-20 minutes for the small loaves, 220-200C for about one hour for the big ones.
The small baguettes was made of white flour, water, salt, olive oil and fresh yeast. In half of them I added dates, they were so cheep at the grocery store this week, and these baguettes are perfect with cheese.
During my baking days I play opera. Give it a try, opera goes perfect with breadbaking :-)
Looks good...my goodness you are always so busy! How do you fit everything in. :-)
My mother always baked bread. It was rare for us to have store bread. I remember coming home from school to the house smelling of fresh baked bread. After my mother died, my father would always bake bread and rarely had store bread. I also loved to bake bread. I use to knead it by hand however I no longer am able to knead the dough. So I am so thankful that someone came up with bread machines allowing me to still make bread.
Anne - I love cooking and baking, and with a big family there is always food to make :-)
OP - I am glad you still can have homemade fresh bread with the help of a bread machine.
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