About the joy of cooking and baking in a Norwegian kitchen.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Rhuburb Pie
Is there a better way to praise summer in the kitchen than to make.....and to eat a rhuburb pie :-)
My rhuburbs are growing so fast. I plan to make some marmelade, but haven't found time to do it yet. But Sunday afternoon was the perfect time to make a pie and to enjoy it out in The Blue Garden. With my mother who came to visit us while my father went to a football match (soccer)
Again I cook without a recipe. Made a dough of white flour, butter and cold water and let it rest in the fridge for an hour. Used 2/3 of the dough to cover the pie plate. Let it have 10 minutes in the oven on 175C before adding the chopped rhuburb mixed with sugar and potato flour (English name please....)
Back in oven for about half an hour.
Eaten out in The Blue Garden while still hot, with vanilla sauce and a cup of coffee.
Oh, yum. I tend to make a "crumble," because then I don't have to mess with the pie crust. Or just stewing it with sugar, then eating it over vanilla ice cream. Oh, my, I think I'll go cut some more out of my garden!!
I looked up potato flour and found this http://www2.foodtv.com/terms/tt-r2/0,4474,3574,00.html
I like rhubarb. In fact at our other house I had two large patches of rhubarb. However at this house I had a hard time finding an area where the lawn-mowing people would mow it. So for the last four years I have been reduced to begging my brothers to bring me some when they come to visit.
However, last fall a good friend wanted to reduce the size of his rhubarb patch and I had finally found an area at the back of the yard where it would be save. So now I have a rhubarb patch. I hope next year to pick the first stalks from it.
Then yesterday a friend came to drive me to my dentist appointment. The first words he said as he walked in were "I brought you some rhubarb. So like you I hope to have a rhubarb pie soon.
Britt-Arnhild, I can tell you love life just by your recipes! My mother had lots of rhubard growing at our old house, and I remember when I was little, my mother would give me a custard dish filled partway with sugar. She would cut the stalks of rhubard and I would just dip them in the sugar and eat them! Strawberry rhubard is my most favorite pie of all (banana cream pie comes in a close second)!
I live in Trondheim, Norway with my husband and two daughters. Two boys have moved out to create their own homes. I work full time, and have alot of interests, but there is hardly a day when you don't find me in the kitchen, playing with old and new recipes. And if I am not to be find it the kitchen, take a look in The Blue Garden. I am a member of the Slow Food movement and a supporter of the Slower Life.
You can contact me at: knitwoman1958@yahoo.com
ALL Photos and Text are personal property of BRITT ARNHILD WIGUM LINDLAND. All rights reserved. Content of this site MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, in any manner without written permission.
Oh, yum. I tend to make a "crumble," because then I don't have to mess with the pie crust. Or just stewing it with sugar, then eating it over vanilla ice cream. Oh, my, I think I'll go cut some more out of my garden!!
YUMMY! We've got lots of rhubarb at the moment, this gives me another idea what to do with it all! :o)
I looked up potato flour and found this http://www2.foodtv.com/terms/tt-r2/0,4474,3574,00.html
I like rhubarb. In fact at our other house I had two large patches of rhubarb. However at this house I had a hard time finding an area where the lawn-mowing people would mow it. So for the last four years I have been reduced to begging my brothers to bring me some when they come to visit.
However, last fall a good friend wanted to reduce the size of his rhubarb patch and I had finally found an area at the back of the yard where it would be save. So now I have a rhubarb patch. I hope next year to pick the first stalks from it.
Then yesterday a friend came to drive me to my dentist appointment. The first words he said as he walked in were "I brought you some rhubarb. So like you I hope to have a rhubarb pie soon.
Britt-Arnhild, I can tell you love life just by your recipes! My mother had lots of rhubard growing at our old house, and I remember when I was little, my mother would give me a custard dish filled partway with sugar. She would cut the stalks of rhubard and I would just dip them in the sugar and eat them! Strawberry rhubard is my most favorite pie of all (banana cream pie comes in a close second)!
Britt, I love rhubarb, but I can't find it here! The basket for your pyrex dish is so beautiful.
My whole family loves rhubarb. It has been a whole week since I made anything rhubarb-y! This looks delicious.
One of my FAVORITE foods. I made a rhubarb custard pie with crumb topping. MMMMmmmmm.
Love the pics.
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