Food, cooking, meals - it all means alot to me. The excitement of planning, the time for preparations, the joy of sharing a meal. All important moments of the day. It doesn't have to be chic or expensive, simple, plain food prepared with love can be just as good, or even better. I love to bake bread, and after finding Ilva's foccacia recipe a year ago, Italian inspired foccacia has become an important part of my bread sortiment. It is so much fun to differ the topping, try out new tastes, and it was a great positive surprise the other day when I topped the foccacia with sweet and sour herring left over from Christmas.

Oh, yum! That looks good. I made foccacia for the very first time not long ago. It tasted so good. ;-)
I've never made foccacia before and am thinking now I should try it. I can believe it was good with the herring!
this looks so lovely but please would you post the recipe using English measures, ie ounces or grammes? I can't work it out when it refers to cups of this and that, how large is a cup? (A French white coffee cup is very large indeed)
Thank You
Mouse (in need of something to nibble)
Mouse - here is a simple recipe for you:
25gram yeast, a little last and a little sugar. Let the yeast melt in this. Add 3dl lukewarm water, stir well, and then add about 5dl white flour.
Can't go wrong :-)
Hi Britt-Anrhild. Re: keeping this blog or melding it with your other blog. I find it interesting, orderly and tidy really that you and others who do so, separate their blogs into this one for cooking, this for books, this for ruminations. I myself spew everything out into one blog, having at times done book reviews of sorts, posting artworks, dreams or anything that comes to mind.
These two ways just reflect personality differences. Your house looks so neat and orderly too. Although I am orderly in my own way, my house, when I had one, was often piled with projects throughout. Of course, I lived alone.
I kept my blog for over a year I think before I got anything but occasional comments. Of course it is so much more fun to have comments, but if suddenly all comments dropped off I would still keep my blog. Also, people may read the blog and not comment. Interesting question to ponder though.
Hi Suki - thanks for your post. I have been encouraged so many times these last days.......yes, I'll keep my food blog :-)
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