Two birthday kids in two days. We combined and invited to dinner last night, family, mid-20 students and on the step to become teenager girls. A success. Marta, who is 13 years+one day old today had a few of her best friends to sleep over, and this morning I woke them with a pile of pancakes, ready to fill with blueberry jam made of blueberries we picked last summer. Grandma and grandpa, who couldn't come for the dinner last night, came up and had pancakes with us.
Recipe for pancakes? Well, I don't think I have ever used any, never in my life. I learned to make it as a girl, just like I have taught all our kids to make them, still without recipes.
What a feast for breakfast! Hope you all had a good morning :-)
Pancakes with friends = best birthday gift!
Hi britt-Arnhild, I would propose Rossini with the pancakes! he loved foof, as far as I know, and his music is always so uplifting!
...sorry for the spelling, it was my keyboard's fault;-))
i love pancakes.. looks delicious
A nice song for breakfast is some one from erick clapton.
You can try add gave nectar its delisious
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