After the first busy Christmas days with celebrations and parties with family and friends, life is slowing down. It is time to enjoy the peace and the quiet, time to play some music, read the Christmas cards, time to sit down and talk. Our kids are growing, and more and more Terje and I find ourselves home alone. Still all four kids are home often enough to avoid the empty nest feeling, now we just enjoy the "nights for two". Like last night. Early in the evening we decided to have a night in front of the fire with a nice supper. There were still Christmas herring left, I always make several jars, give some away and enjoy the rest, and with fresh homemade bread and the sweet, fizzy,homemade limonade Terje makes for Christmas, it really became a feast.
Especially with Schubert in the background.
Julesild / Christmas Herring
6 fillets of herring, spiced
2 onions
1 dl oil (soya or olive)
1 dl vinegar
1 dl tomato ketshup
3 dl sugar
4 tablespoons of water
dill Cut the herring and the onion into small pieces.
Warm the rest of the ingredients except the oil, till the sugar has melted.
Add the oil.
Let it cool.
Mix everything.
music for the food:
Schubert's Winterreise
with Ian Bostridge and Leif Ove Andsnes
I'd love to try your herring. We don't see herring here except already pickled and in small jars. Sounds like you had a delightful meal.
Oh does that herring look ever delicious. As a child my Mom used to make herring but now you can't find it anywhere here other than already jarred. I sorely miss it! Have a wonderful new year!
Jeg bødde i Norge I femten år, men det er lenge siden nå.
Jeg savner Italiensk salat fra butikken som man brukte som pålegg. Vet du hvor jeg kan finne en oppskrift på det?
Om du kunne hjelpe med det, ville jeg være takknemelig.
Fra over dammen.
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