During my weeks in India I learned about new fruits and vegetables almost every day. I loved to go grocery shopping with Carolyn, as most of the shopping she did was vegetables, and I loved to watched while she cooked one creative dish after another. I found most of the vegetables tasty, though some did not correspond with my tastebuds....... My favorite though was okra. Fried okra was served several times, and I helped myself again and again, enjoying this new to me taste.
We usually have a late dinner on Friday nights here in The Blue Café. Today I've been to the fishmarket downtown to find a treat for dinner, and on my way back to work I passed one of the many small Asian grocery shops which are to be found in Trondheim. I went in just to have a look at the vegetables, and to my surprise and pleasure I found that they sold okras. I didn't hesitate, but bought a bunch, and couldn't wait to come home to fry them.
Ingrid, Marta and cousin Mathilde found the taste strange, and will probably need more time to get used to it, Terje liked the new taste, I loved it. Fried in olive oil in a deep wok pan, sprinkled with Maldon salt, it tasted just as good as the okras I ate in South India.
My kitchen and my cooking is changing, more creativity, new tastes, colours.....

Fried okra is common comfort food in the Southern United States! it's a favorite. I looked through some recipes and chose this link to a blog I've never read, because she shows pictures of "real" fried okra - Southern style!
Jill in Western North Carolina
Oops! I forgot to give the link!
Jill in Western North Carolina
A dear old friend, who left Palestine to come to America in the 1920's, would prepare okra in a similar way. She would coat it in oil, salt and pepper and spread it on a cookie sheet to bake in the oven. Thank you for bringing memories of precious Miriam back today. God rest her soul.
My recipes and dishes are so connected to the women who have shared my life, that I sometimes shed a tears while I cook their dishes and think of them. But, it's a good "cry."
I love to dust it with spices (we do it with Indian spices but just a hint of salt and pepper also works fine with any dried herbs you might like) and fry it. We also cook it in coconut-red chillies gravy.
ocra here is a main dish..
chopped onion.. olive oil.. a little amount of water..
are fried until the onions get transparent..
than we add a tomatoe processed or grated through the fine part of the grater..
then one cube of sugar to take off the sourness of tomatoe..
then you add the ocras whose head has been peeled very carefully into a pointed cube..
than yo add a very little amount of water.. just to wet it until they shed their own juice..
whe they are lime green..
you serve with rice.. and with a few drops of lemon juice..
you shoul come and taste =)..
enjoy your day your weekend your cooking.. every thing
Browniesmoke - thank you for the link.
Mary Lou - aren't we blessed with memories from so many women who have walked before us. Thanks for your story.
The idle devil - I must try it your way some day
Pinar - well, this seems to be a dish you must serve me when I come to Istanbul :-)
We enjoy fried okra too and also use it mixed in with other dishes. It adds a great bit of green to a chicken stew and kind of thickens the sauce.
Okra is new to me. I have never cooked it, but have eaten it in soups. It always seemed to have a slippery texture. I must try it your way because I always see it at the Farmer's Market.
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