About the joy of cooking and baking in a Norwegian kitchen.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Back home from two weeks in Italty.
We have spent the past two weeks in Italy, feasting on the tasty food of this lovely country. We have stayed in two different flats during our vacation and I have cooked several of our dinners. But mostly we have eaten out - pizzas, pastas, meat and seafood, almost always starting with a bruschetta, always ending the night with a gelati. Sweet dreams.
When we came home late Saturday night our daughter had prepared dinner for us, but yesterday the kitchen was mine again. With an almost empty fridge it was a challenge, but "search and you shall find". And an overgrown herbgarden helped alot.
I made a pizza, and a green salad coloured with the first blue borago and alot of fresh oregano. And I went over to Ilva's foodblog for alot of new inspiration for days and meals to come.
I live in Trondheim, Norway with my husband and two daughters. Two boys have moved out to create their own homes. I work full time, and have alot of interests, but there is hardly a day when you don't find me in the kitchen, playing with old and new recipes. And if I am not to be find it the kitchen, take a look in The Blue Garden. I am a member of the Slow Food movement and a supporter of the Slower Life.
You can contact me at: knitwoman1958@yahoo.com
ALL Photos and Text are personal property of BRITT ARNHILD WIGUM LINDLAND. All rights reserved. Content of this site MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, in any manner without written permission.
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