In Norway most people eat dinner as soon as they are home from work. For us this means sometime around 4.30 - 5pm. Usually when I come home from work I am starving and spending too much time on preparing the food is almost impossible. So I play with my recipes and "chef-cooking" during the week-ends and make something simple during the week.Walking home from the busstop takes my steps past our closest grocery store, and it is easy to stop and shop for dinner. And the bus ride home from work gives me the perfect time for planning what to eat.
Today was one of these days when I knew I wanted to make something fast and simple. I was hungry, and I wanted to go out in the garden as soon as we had eaten. A Swedish sausgae called "falukorv" was the solution. Diced and braised in olive oil with a red, sweet paprika and fresh green spring onion - fast, simple and delicious. And some macaroni we bought in Italy was perfect with the sausage.
And knowing my kids I was smart enough to buy an extra sausage. Marta had two friends at home who were hungry for dinner, Ingrid and her friend came home during our meal, starving after a long run.
The Blue Café is always busy.